The Alumnis Sup de Luxe have talent and prove it: Bianca Bigeard
What is your background?
Bianca Bigeard: After studying Tourism and Hospitality in Brazil, I learned French and in 2007 I followed a MBA Sup de Luxe.
It was an exquisite year that allowed me to discover more about the world of French luxury. Sup' de luxe has brought me a lot on the theoretical and practical level (essential to acquire a good general knowledge of luxury to be able to evolve in this industry): all these visits and meetings with very great professionals (Robert Lynx, Jean Castarède, Nicolas de Rabaudy, etc...) have fed me for the rest of my career.
It is after several years of experience in the retail sector in several French luxury houses (La Maison du Chocolat, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, then Lanvin), that I decided to specialize in Beauty by following a professional training in aesthetics, cosmetics and perfumery (Françoise Morice school). At the crossroads of my various training and professional experiences, the concept of beauty tourism in France seemed obvious to me. This concept is a tailor-made beauty experience: Paris Beauty Week.
What is this beauty tourism and Paris Beauty Week?
Bianca: My clients have the opportunity to visit the best beauty addresses in the capital and especially the most confidential, those that Parisian women only give to their best friends!
There is no shortage of thematic tourism offers in Paris and they are mainly centred around gastronomy, fashion, architecture and the arts. On the other hand, in the beauty segment, I immediately felt that there was everything to imagine and realize! I have designed a route designed as a unique experience around beauty, declined in several formats (1 day, 1 week, tailor-made) and intended for an international BtoB and BtoC clientele wishing to visit Paris differently. The clients we refer today are American, Brazilian, Japanese, Korean.
Our project is not to do personal shopping but to do everything possible to ensure that our participants have an experience: it is a question of promoting French know-how and culture of beauty. After experiencing a Paris Beauty Week, they appreciate the product differently, they can tell the story of how a perfume is made, for example, from harvesting raw materials to bottling. That's what motivates us and makes us proud of our service!
Today we have the following offers:
● Paris Beauty Week During one week (5 days), we share practical knowledge, many visits and organize meetings with beauty professionals. This program is aimed at professionals in the sector as well as beauty enthusiasts who wish to discover Paris from a new angle. Each session is reserved for a deliberately limited number of 5 participants. To be received in the best conditions in the various places visited and by the managers of companies (Caudalie, Codage, By Terry...) who will reveal to us the recipes of their success.
● Beauty Day A Best Of from the Paris Beauty Tour selection in one day, to mix discovery, experience and visits.
● The tailor-made offer (Beauty dream) A Beauty dream that our team challenges itself to fulfil (meeting with a prestigious nose, creating a tailor-made treatment, lipstick or perfume, beauty day in a luxury hotel, picking Centifolia roses in Grasse...).
● The Beauty Crush A tailor-made tour dedicated to a single Beauty segment: perfume, skin care, hair, make-up.