Rankings and accreditations
A pioneer in management training in the luxury industry, the Institut Supérieur de Marketing du Luxe has been the reference in preparing tomorrow's professionals since 1990.
Reference rankings
Sup de Luxe is, through its history and its close ties with professionals in the luxury industry, the benchmark for training in marketing, management and luxury business.
The Institute offers a teaching method of excellence that is recognised worldwide, and is acknowledged by the Eduniversal* rankings:
- Bachelor's degree ranked n°1 of the best bachelor's degrees in luxury management in France since its creation
- MBA ranked No. 3 in France and No. 5 worldwide among the best Masters and MBA in luxury management
*Eduniversal (formerly SMBG) is an independent French ranking system that solely assesses the individual quality of each course. The ranking combines a sectoral approach with specific market criteria and offers a real tool for students to refine their choice of future training.
The chairs, the strong links with internationally renowned schools, the strategic committee of experts and the "Grands Témoins", the passionate and committed speakers contribute to this recognition.
Academic accreditations
Sup de Luxe is an institution recognised by the French State, delivering RNCP titles for its Bachelor and MBA programmes. Its MSc programmes are accredited by the CGE - Conférence des Grandes Ecoles. All its programmes are Qualiopi certified and allow students to obtain ECTS credits.
Here are the details of our accreditations:
- RNCP titles are diplomas registered in the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles. They are listed by the CNCP, a national commission under the authority of the French Ministry of Labour.
- The courses labelled by the Conférence des grandes écoles (285 members, including 235 Grandes écoles, 9 companies and 41 organisations) comply with the doctrines defined for the accreditation of a quality training process whose main objective is to guarantee professional integration.
- The Qualiopi label is a national quality standard controlled by an external and independent body approved by the French State. The quality certification has been issued for the following categories of actions: Training action; VAE.
- ECTS, or the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, facilitates the recognition of diplomas in the European area and the mobility of students.