Student portrait - Rachel Lévêque
Rachel Lévêque is a Bachelor 2 student at Sup de Luxe, but also the founder and editor-in-chief of L'Intemporel, the magazine created by and for the school's students. She tells us about her experience.
Can you tell us about your career path before joining Sup de Luxe?
After passing my baccalaureate in 2019, I decided to go to Cours Florent, in the "Acting in English" program, and at the same time I entered the Sorbonne, in a licence LLCER. I quickly put an end to this degree which did not meet my expectations and I continued at the Cours Florent for a year. Drama allowed me to express myself fully and to know myself better. But I wanted to have a better professional stability for my beginnings, which led me to change my career path, leaving -for the moment- the cinema and the theater, for the luxury sector. I entered Sup de Luxe in September 2021, in the first year of the Bachelor program.
Why did you choose Sup de Luxe?
To be honest, I discovered Sup de Luxe a little by chance. I was looking for a different and more specialized training than what traditional business schools offer. I was led to SDL by my attraction to beauty and excellence as well as by my vision of luxury (which was totally different at the beginning of my Bachelor's degree), but also by its ranking, the courses offered and its large network. My choice was confirmed mainly by the Chinese, etiquette, general luxury culture courses and the many concrete projects that we have to realize.
How will this training help you achieve your career goals?
When I arrived at Sup de Luxe, I didn't have any particular objective except to discover a new world. I was able to develop new skills right from the start, through our group projects and thanks to the support of students and the school administration, which helped me both in my personal and professional development. I also gained important knowledge about the sector and sharpened my vision of it, especially through my internships.
Tell us about L'Intemporel Magazine, from its creation, to its current status, to its concept and ambitions.
L'Intemporel is first of all a project built by 3 people: Louis DUVINAGE, Samuel DELPRAT and myself. Since then, the project counts 3 other members: Théo GIRARD, Justine DELAMARRE and Inès BARDAD-DAIDJ. We are currently 6 students of Bachelor to make live the project.
The first issue came out in July 2021, 3 months after its creation. We had the hand on everything: from its name, to its content, its design ... We have released a Special Summer Issue and a Special Back to School Issue. We have just released the second issue of l'Intemporel, which we are very proud of, and we are already working on the next one...
Through this magazine, we wish to make students and readers aware of Art & Culture, to make them discover various sectors, to make students participate in the life of the school... This project also represents for us a great opportunity to express our universe and to share our interests.
L'Intemporel has developed faster than we had imagined and is read as much by students as by professionals of the luxury sector. Thanks to the school's network and our own, we have been able to reach more readers. We thank you very much for this and hope that you will continue to follow this adventure with us.
If you wish to participate, you can find the issues of L'Intemporel on our website http://intemporel-mag.com/, follow us on Instagram @lintemporel_magazine and contact us via our email : [email protected]
What can we wish you for the future of your career?
For the future, I would say ... fulfillment and success, enriching encounters, great opportunities ... and do not forget to have fun!
Tell us about your vision of luxury in one sentence.
For me, Luxury and Art are intimately linked, on the one hand, by their great cultural heritage, on the other hand, by the emotions they fill us with.